
GS Eye Center wants to create ophthalmology that delivers good results, makes people feel comfortable, and spreads good wills.

What is presbyopia?

It refers to ‘aged eyes’.
Our body ages with time, and as aging progresses, the symptoms associated with it appear.
For the eyes, the lens hardens and loses elasticity as we age, which makes it difficult to see objects at close range. Presbyopia is caused by such phenomenon.

Cause and symptoms of presbyopia

Presbyopia is a disease that is unavoidable as the eyes age.
The refractive power of the lens does not increase due to deteriorated function of the muscles that hold the lens or the lens itself. This is why distant objects appear clear and close things appear blurry.

When the eyes age, the eye's ability to control deteriorates.



What is cataract?

All eyes have a transparent refractive part called the lens.
All light entering the eyes passes through the lens and is refracted to form an image on the retina. A cataract is a disease in which the lens becomes cloudy, preventing light from properly passing through the lens.
It is a dangerous disease that causes blurred, cloudy vision and deteriorates eyesight as the light cannot pass through.

  • Cataract

  • Normal

Cause and symptoms of cataract

There are two possible causes of cataracts.

  • causes

    In most congenital cataracts, the cause is unknown.
    It may be due to infection occurring in fetuses or metabolic abnormalities.

  • Acquired cataract

    Acquired cataracts, commonly referred to as cataracts, occur with old age.
    Although it is uncommon, trauma or eye inflammation may cause cataracts.

The symptoms of cataracts are the same whether or not it is congenital or acquired.

It makes your vision deteriorate and blur as the lens becomes cloudy.
Sometimes, you can see the close range clearly as the lens hardens, suddenly turning nearsighted.

  • Normal

  • Grade 1

  • Grade 3

Self-diagnosis of cataract

If symptoms recur, an in-depth cataract examination is required.

  1. 01

    I see an object as 2 or more (diplopia).

  2. 02

    My vision is out of focus.

  3. 03

    I experience light sensitivity and glare.

  4. 04

    I feel difficulty driving at night.

  5. 05

    My vision suddenly seems to have improved.

※ What is diplopia? An object appears in two when closing one eye.

How to treat presbyopia and cataract

Since each individual has a different shape and structure of the eyes, choosing the surgical method that is most suitable for you is critical. Gangnam GS Eye Center, which can implement various surgical methods, focuses on creating high-quality surgical outcomes in the most effective way for the patient’s eye condition through a thorough, in-depth examination.

If you have no cataract,

Laser presbyopia correction

  • Surgery that improves vision using the state-of-the-art laser surgical equipment


If you have cataract,

Micro-incision cataract surgery

  • Excellent recovery enabling normal everyday life on the next day of the surgery
    (Cataract surgery using CENTURION)

    -Monofocal IOL implantation
    Surgery to improve far-range vision by replacing the lens clouded by a cataract

    -Multifocal IOL implantation
    Surgery to improve far- and close-range vision by correcting presbyopia and cataracts at once
    -LISA tri/ReSTOR/Lentis C

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q3
    If you're in your 40s or older and your distance vision is fine, but you're having difficulty with near tasks (reading, cell phones, computer monitors), or if you're experiencing symptoms of blurring, you may have presbyopia. While you're still active in your social life, it's a good idea to get corrective eyewear for your presbyopia. Because presbyopia is an ongoing process, it's a good idea to change your glasses frequently, as your eyes will change from time to time. If you don't wear glasses and continue to use your diminished accommodation muscles, it can cause eye pain, frown lines, headaches, and more.

    After the age of 40, when presbyopia sets in, you are more susceptible to various eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Therefore, rather than blaming your near vision on your age, it is recommended that you take care of your eye health with regular eye examinations.
  • Q2
  • Q1