
GS Eye Center wants to create ophthalmology that delivers good results, makes people feel comfortable, and spreads good wills.

Adding cutting-edge equipment to 19 years of know-how
Now is the era of laser cataract surgery!


The laser cataract system of GS Eye Center has increased safety and accuracy.
It is an innovative surgical method with guaranteed post-surgery prognosis as the surgery is performed based on a surgeon's extensive experience and know-how supported by sophisticated computed figures.

CHECK POINT for Laser Cataract Surgery

  • Safer
    Surgical wound incision

  • Anterior capsule
    Perfect circular incision

  • Laser
    Lens fracture

  • Sophisticated astigmatism correction
    Corneal incision

  • Lens tilt
    Auto tracking correction

Surgical wound incision

Anterior capsule
Perfect circular incision

Lens fracture

Sophisticated astigmatism correction
Corneal incision

Lens tilt
Auto tracking correction

Candidates for Laser Cataract Surgery

  1. 01

    Those who want premium cataract surgery

  2. 02

    Those who are afraid of receiving surgery due to pain

  3. 03

    Those who want to be free from the risk of secondary infection

  4. 04

    Those who are concerned about corneal endothelial cell loss due to surgery

  5. 05

    Those who need to correct astigmatism at the time of surgery

  6. 06

    Those with hardened lens due to severe cataract

  7. 07

    Those who wish to correct presbyopia and cataract at the same time

All Laser Cataract Excellence

It delivers safe, sophisticated, and outstanding outcomes.

  • More safely!

    Safe surgery by significantly reducing the possibility of damage and complications with low-energy pulse

  • More sophisticated!

    More sophisticated surgery with very small laser beam and 3D OCT

  • Better outcomes!

    Outstanding surgical outcomes with astigmatic keratotomy using ultra-precision laser and capsulotomy of clouded capsule

  1. Laser 120°Surgical Wound Incision01

    With a 120° multi-faceted incision, the incision is not pushed over or opened up.
    (resistant to external impact, minimize the risk of secondary infection) The incision naturally heals and is closed tightly due to its structure. (reduced risk of infection, quick recovery, reduced irritation)

  2. Laser Circular Incision of Anterior Capsule02

    0% error! An intraocular lens is inserted into the correct position with a perfect circular incision.
    (great for presbyopia and cataract correction) The anterior capsule is cleanly and precisely removed.
    (reduced complications and recovery time, minimized astigmatism occurrence)

  3. mt80 Lens Fracture03

    It reduced the risk of tissue damage with minimal use of ultrasonic energy.
    (Reduction of corneal edema and corneal endothelial cells) The surgery time is short, which allows difficult cataract surgery to be performed more safely. (more advantageous for hypermature cataracts)

Comparison of Conventional Cataract vs. Laser Cataract Surgery

Laser Cataract VS Conventional Cataract Surgery vs Laser Cataract Surgery
Impossible Real-time stereoscopic OCT imaging Possible
Medical knife Corneal incision Laser Laser
Medical knife Circular incision of anterior capsule Laser
Ultrasound Lens fracture Laser Laser
Ultrasound Phacoemulsification Ultrasound
Medical knife Incision to correct astigmatism Laser
Impossible Automatic correction of lens tilt Possible
Impossible Automatic safe zone settings for anterior chamber, posterior chamber, and iris of the eyes Possible

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q1
  • Q2
  • Q3
  • Q4
  • Q5
  • Q6