
GS Eye Center wants to create ophthalmology that delivers good results, makes people feel comfortable, and spreads good wills.


It is an all-laser surgical procedure and creates corneal flaps for less damage and quick recover, which makes it a convenient vision correction surgery for those who are overly sensitive to pain or need to return to daily life quickly.


  • All-laser

  • Quick vision recovery

  • Reduce pain

  • Reduce side effects and corneal opacity

  • NO steroids

  • Easy to perform additional correction after vision correction


Quick vision recovery

Reduce pain

Reduce side effects and corneal opacity

NO steroids

Easy to perform additional correction after vision correction

Why choose all-laser surgery?

As the use of blades increases the risk of bacterial infection and complications, we use sophisticated high-tech lasers to perform safe surgery for reduced damage and side effects.

GS Eye Center does not use blades for patient safety and good outcomes.
We are committed to advanced all-laser LASIK.

  • Blade LASIK

  • All-laser LASIK

Procedure of VISULASIK Surgery

VISULASIK is a laser LASIK surgery that uses the state-of-the-art VISUMAX equipment to reduce corneal damage, resulting in less pain and faster recovery after surgery.

  • STEP.01

    Create corneal flaps by irradiating the corneal epithelium with a laser.

  • STEP.02

    Open the corneal flap and irradiate the laser to parenchyma to correct the vision.

  • STEP.03

    Close the corrected corneal flap to finish up the surgery.

Visu Lasik

Excellence of All-laser VISULASIK!

Experience the excellence of premium lasers for yourself!

  1. the excellence of premium lasers01

    By irradiating a high-speed laser of 500kHz (about 500,000 times per second), which is 3.5 times the conventional ones, it reduces the time exposed to laser heat to enhance safety.

  2. By irradiating a high-speed laser of 500kHz (about 500,000 times per second), which is 3.5 times02

    The smallest laser beam size of 4.5 μm enables sophisticated vision correction, making the cut surface of the cornea smoother.

    • Small laser spot

    • Smooth cut surface with dense laser

  3. 600 times less energy!03

    It prevents ocular pressure increase and conjunctiva hyperemia by using low pressure and 0.20 μJ or less energies, which reduces damage to the optic nerve, leading to low possibilities of corneal opacity, regression, and other various side effects.

    • Conventional Femto LASIK


  4. Perfect ocular fixation with 3D curve!04

    With 3D curved cornea fully automatic ocular fixation method, it prevents deformation of ocular shape and tracks even the minute movements of the patient during surgery, enabling safe surgery free of any errors.
    In addition, the conventional all-laser surgery has a phenomenon of pressing the optic nerve or causing hyperemia due to the conjunctiva fixation method. However, VISULASIK reduces the impact against the eyeball using the cornea fixation method.

  5. reduces the impact against the eyeball using the cornea fixation method05

    The cornea can be specially incised at a 135-degree angle, which maintains solid fixation of the cornea just like a screw is tightened to withstand external impact after surgery.

    Strong against external impact and faster recovery with new technology bevel-in!

    • Conventional LASIK


  6. 45-135 degrees incision06

    It can create corneal flaps and correct myopia and astigmatism refraction, resolving poor vision and presbyopia at the same time.

We strongly recommend it to:

  • Those who are concerned about side effects like dry eye and keratoconus

  • Those who need to resume their daily life the next day

  • Those who wish for a quick recovery with no pain

  • Those who are concerned about corneal opacity and regression

  • Those who have high myopia or high astigmatism that are difficult to surgically corrected

Those who are concerned about side effects like dry eye and keratoconus

Those who need to resume their daily life the next day

Those who wish for a quick recovery with no pain

Those who are concerned about corneal opacity and regression

Those who have high myopia or high astigmatism that are difficult to surgically corrected

State-of-the-art Femtosecond laser created by 165 years of world-class technology of ZEISS in Germany


Realizing ‘Golden Smile LASIK’!

Learn more about equipment

Please check in advance!
Precautions before examination

If you are planning to receive eye examinations and surgery on the same day, be sure to familiarize yourself with the precautions before surgery.

※ You must stop wearing contact lenses for a certain period of time before surgery.

※ Be sure to bring your glasses on the day of surgery.

  • Contact lens

    • Soft lens (color lens) : Do not wear for 4 days
    • Soft lens for astigmatism (color lens) : Do not wear for 7 days
    • Hard lens : Do not wear for 7 days
    • Dream lens : Do not wear for a month
  • Examination

    • Examination takes about 2 hours.
    • Visiting two different clinics for examination is impossible as a drug is used in the examination.
  • Driving

    • Due to drug-aided eye examinations, you will be inconvenienced with short-distance vision for about 3~4 hours.
    • Please use public transportation on the day of examinations as driving is not allowed.
  • Pregnant women

    • Receiving eye examinations and surgery during pregnancy are not recommended due to hormonal changes.
    • We recommend receiving eye examinations and surgery 3 months after childbirth or after breastfeeding.
  • Medication

    • Taking medications, including tranquilizers and antidepressants, will not prevent you from receiving examinations.
    • However, when receiving surgery, you must bring 1) a prescription for medications and 2) a doctor's note. The doctor’s note must include “the exact name of the diagnosis, availability of vision correction surgery under local anesthesia”.

Please check in advance!
Precautions before surgery

Your return to daily life varies by the surgical method. Choose the method of surgery that is the most appropriate for your lifestyle.

※ You must stop wearing contact lenses for a certain period of time before surgery.

※ Be sure to bring your glasses on the day of surgery.

  • Lens

    • Soft lens (color lens) : Do not wear for 4 days
    • Soft lens for astigmatism (color lens) : Do not wear for 7 days
    • Hard lens : Do not wear for 7 days
    • Dream lens : Do not wear for a month
  • Attire

    • The surgery is performed lying down. Wearing a hoodie is strictly forbidden as it may affect surgical quality.
    • Avoid wearing a short skirt during surgery.
  • Face makeup

    • Avoid face makeup except for toner and lotion on the day of surgery.
    • The surgical laser is sensitive to makeup and fragrances, so avoid using them during surgery.
  • Perm · Dye

    • Hair perm and dye are allowed until 3 days before surgery. If you are planning to do so, do it in advance not to interfere with surgery.
  • Driving

    • Driving right after surgery is prohibited. Please use public transportation or accompany a guardian.
  • Drinking

    • Drinking a day before surgery is strictly forbidden.
  • Sunglasse

    • To avoid light sensitivity and UV rays after surgery, bring sunglasses or a hat with you. (required for LASEK)
  • Medication

    • Taking medications, including tranquilizers and antidepressants, will not prevent you from receiving examinations.
    • • However, when receiving surgery, you must bring 1) a prescription for medications and 2) a doctor's note. The doctor’s note must include “the exact name of the diagnosis, availability of vision correction surgery under local anesthesia”.

Please check in advance!
Precautions during surgery

Familiarize yourself with the precautions during surgery in advance. It will reduce unnecessary tension and create a better environment to receive surgery based on proper cooperation.

Cooperation on waiting

  1. 01

    Keep your eyes closed while you are waiting before surgery so that your eyes will not dry out.

  2. 02

    The surgery is performed lying down. If you wear a hoodie, you must take it off before surgery.

  3. 03

    If you are not wearing any clothes inside the hoodie, please inform the fact at the reception desk. We will provide you with clothes for you to change.
    (The hoodie may cause unintended bodily movement during surgery.)

Cooperation before surgery

  1. 01

    The surgery takes about 7~8 minutes. There is no pain during surgery with topical anesthesia.

  2. 02

    Because of topical anesthesia, your eye may not blink as usual. Do not intentionally close your eyes.

  3. 03

    We use a special device to keep your eyes open during surgery. You do not have to worry about naturally blinking your eyes during surgery.

Cooperation during surgery

  1. 01

    Do not verbally ask questions during surgery unless it is an emergency. Instead, raise your hand to find a nurse.

  2. 02

    Do not turn your head or move your eyes during surgery. The duration and the outcomes of surgery depend on your cooperation.

  3. 03

    The surgeon and nurse will provide a thorough explanation to avoid panicking during surgery.

Please check in advance!
Precautions after surgery

Please refer to the number of days required to resume the activities by surgical method.

Smile LASIK LASIK 2-Day LASEK Lens Implantation
Face Wash · Shower
From the next day After two days After four days After a week
After a week After two weeks After two weeks After a month
Reading · Electronic device
From the next day From the next day After four days From the next day
Light exercise
From the next day After two days After a week After two weeks
Strenuous exercise
After a week After two weeks After a month After a month
(External impact caution)
Face makeup
From the next day After two days After four days After a week
Eye makeup
From the next day After a week After two weeks After a week
Perm · Dye
After a week After a week After two weeks After a week
From the next day After two days After a week After a week
After a week After a week After a week After a week
After a week After a week After a week After a week
Protective eye patch
Do not wear. Wear for a week Wear for four days Wear for a week